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Will I have twins if I am a twin?

According to The American Society for Reproductive Medicine, women who are fraternal twins have a 1 in 60 chance of having twins, and men who are fraternal twins have a 1 in 125 chance of fathering twins. It was previously believed that identical (monozygotic) twins were random — not genetic.

Does twins skip a generation?

It's a common misconception that twins skip a generation in families. There is absolutely no evidence, other than circumstantial, that twins are more likely to occur every other generation.

Which parent carries the gene for twins?

The gene versions that increase the chance of hyperovulation can be passed down from parent to child. This is why fraternal twins run in families. However, only women ovulate. So, the mother's genes control this and the fathers don't.

Who is most likely to have twins?

Age. According to the Office on Women's Health , women who are aged 30 years or older are more likely to conceive twins. The reason for this is that women of this age are more likely than younger women to release more than one egg during their reproductive cycle.

What increases your chance of having twins?

Clomiphene citrate (Clomid) and letrozole (Femara) are ovulation-stimulating medications. Both of these drugs are often given in IUI cycles and may help the body produce multiple eggs that may release at the same time. If two (or more) are fertilized and implant, twins are a possibility.


What are the chances of a twin having twins?

According to The American Society for Reproductive Medicine, women who are fraternal twins have a 1 in 60 chance of having twins, and men who are fraternal twins have a 1 in 125 chance of fathering twins. It was previously believed that identical (monozygotic) twins were random — not genetic.

Why do twins skip a generation?

This belief is based on the assumption that twinning is genetic and runs in families. However, if that was truly the case—if there was a twin gene—then twins would occur with predictable frequency in those families that carry the gene. There is no concrete scientific evidence that suggests twins skip a generation.

How do twins run in families?

Yes, some types of twins are hereditary, meaning that twins run in families. Heredity on the mother's side ups a couple's odds of conceiving fraternal twins. Fraternal twins are two babies from two different eggs that were released from the ovaries simultaneously.

How are twin genes passed down?

When both eggs are fertilized, the resulting siblings are fraternal twins. Because this gene can be passed on, the tendency to have fraternal twins can in fact run in families. Identical twins, on the other hand, result from one fertilized egg randomly splitting in two, creating two siblings with identical DNA.

How do you know if you'll have twins?

Ultrasound. Although the factors above may be signs of a twin pregnancy, the only sure way to know you're pregnant with more than one baby is through an ultrasound. Some doctors schedule an early ultrasound, around 6 to 10 weeks, to confirm the pregnancy or check for issues.

Can twins have different fathers?

But you may be left wondering: Can twins have different fathers? The answer is yes, but only in cases in which they're fraternal, as identical twins form from a single egg/sperm combination and thus cannot have different fathers.

Can you have twins even if it's not in your family?

Everyone has the same chance of having identical twins: about 1 in 250. Identical twins do not run in families. But there are some factors that make having non-identical twins more likely: non-identical twins are more common in some ethnic groups, with the highest rate among Nigerians and the lowest among Japanese.

How can I conceive twins naturally?

Taking fertility medication is one of the most common ways to get pregnant with twins. They increase fertility by stimulating egg production. If more eggs are produced, the chances that more than one egg will be released during ovulation also increase.

Can you get pregnant while pregnant?

A double pregnancy, or superfetation, is extremely rare — in fact, there aren't even stats on how often it happens — but it's scientifically possible. We're not saying you should worry about it happening to you, just that you can't say that it's impossible.

Can a baby eat its twin in the womb?

Parasitic twins differ from vanishing twins. With vanishing twins, early ultrasound or fetal heartbeat confirms the presence of two fetuses. But in later tests, only one fetus remains. The vanishing twin is absorbed by the remaining twin, the placenta, or the mother's body.

Can twins be born days apart?

Carmen Martinez, in a rare occurrence, gave birth to rare identical twin daughters three days apart. The babies were born are Gabby and Bella. Woman gave birth to rare identical twins in Abilene, Texas. In a rare occurrence, a woman gave birth to rare identical twin daughters three days apart.

Which twin will be born first?

Once the babies are large enough to stay in one position in the womb, the twin lowest in the uterus is known as Baby A and the one furthest from there is Baby B, according to the Stanford Medicine News Center. In the majority of vaginal births, Baby A is born first.

Why is my belly so big at 6 weeks pregnant?

Maybe you're putting on weight around 6 to 8 weeks — which in your mind is quite early. One plausible explanation for an early bump, though, could be abdominal bloating. An increase in hormones can cause your body to retain fluid. So what you believe to be all baby bump may actually be a bloated stomach.

What week does belly get hard?

Hardening is mostly due to excessive stretching of abdominal muscles. This generally happens around weeks 7 and 8. It is normal for the lower abdomen to appear more swollen and harder than when you were not pregnant. What to do: Because this is a normal finding, no specific treatment is required.

When should you tell people you are pregnant?

Many women choose to delay announcing a pregnancy at least until the end of the first trimester (12 weeks into their pregnancy). This is commonly attributed to the risk of miscarriage during this time, but the 12-week mark is not a hard and fast rule you need to follow.

What month of pregnancy do breasts produce milk?

Milk production generally begins around the midpoint of pregnancy, somewhere between weeks 16 and 22. At this stage your body is producing what's known as colostrum—a yellowish milk that's rich in calories and disease-fighting antibodies—which will serve as baby's first food after birth.

Do twins fight in the womb?

Just like singleton babies, twins can sometimes get super-active in the womb. But not to worry — there's no real threat from it! Babies can kick or even hit each other (yes, really) in utero, but the good news is the amniotic fluid acts as a cushion to protect them from actually getting hurt by any of it.

What are the 3 types of twins?

Types of Twins: Fraternal, Identical, and More

  • Fraternal Twins (Dizygotic)
  • Identical Twins (Monozygotic)
  • Conjoined Twins.
  • Do Twins Share a Placenta and Amniotic Sac?
  • How Common Is Having Twins?

What gender is most common in identical twins?

In the US, 105 non-twin males are born for each 100 non-twin females. However, males are slightly more likely than females to die in the womb. And because the death rate in the womb is higher for twins than for singleton births, female twins are more common than male twins.
